An essential part of the development of targeted measures for noise reduction is the precise measurement of the acoustic “actual condition”. Our extensive measurement and analysis equipment enables:
- airborne sound and vibration measurements
- metrological determination of room acoustic conditions
- noise measurements at the workplace
- measurement of noise immissions from trade and industry
We analyze the measured data
- as broadband third-octave and narrowband analysis, in their accuracy and informative value far beyond the exclusive determination of the level value dB(A)
- with regard to level components of different machine components
- with regard to the determination of main noise sources at the individual measuring points
- Based on this, we determine a basic concept for noise reduction, if necessary, as a sequential step-by-step plan
In the run-up to the project, we will be pleased to advise you on
- the site planning of plants and machines under acoustic aspects
- in the formulation of acoustic requirement profiles in purchase contracts for machines